Rhythm Pattern Original
Rhythm Pattern Distortion
Rhythm Pattern plus Bassoutput
Rhythm Pattern Patch 1
Rhythm Pattern Patch 2 plus Bassoutput
Beat using individual pitched sounds 1
Beat using individual pitched sounds 2
Beat using individual pitched sounds 3
Beat using individual pitched and bent sounds 1
Beat using individual pitched and bent sounds 2
Beat using individual pitched and bent sounds 3
Mashed up Beat Pattern 1
Mashed up Beat Pattern 2

The people at


provide a superp tutorial, how to modify the TR 505.

The instrument now has:

8 Volumenpotentiometers

8 Triggeroutputs

8 Potentiometers for individual pitch of the sounds.

One patchbay to altering sound and another one to mashup the patterns.

An additional soundoutput for basslike sounds or extremnoise.

For the individual pitch I used a Hex-Inverter (40106). The outputs of the oscillators are connected to the gatearray.